Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dear Obama Supporters or Liberals.....

I have been watching and reading the news for a while and enough is enough. Liberals have caused destruction in this country for years from the means of governors, mayors, senators, presidents, congress, etc. and they have ruined millions of American's lives. They claim to change this country and the only thing they had changed is our lives by ruining it. Yes ruining it, by the means of high gas prices, War On Iraq Bill costing too much, Healthcare, Medicare, National Secruity, Border Countrol, everything! How so you might be asking. Democrats have techinques
to try and "bamboozle" you into voting with them and against Republicans. Techinques like streaching the truth, a really good example for that is that in 2006, Democrats had taken over Congress and by doing that they have more power and say of things not to mention how they can "Over-Rule" a veto from the President if they don't get their bill past. Oh things like "Christmas Tree Bills" which are little things that have nothing to do with a primary bill. Like if I put something in the bill to give me say $100, then if the bill passes, I get my $100 as well as everyones wishes and wants and needs for everyone else like social programs that cost too damn much and things like that. Bush tries to veto most of this shit, but because of how Democrats are so ingorant, they "over-ride" it and they pass it anyway. Billions upon Billions of dollars is wasted on some bills like the War on Iraq which Democrats add things that has nothing to do with it and they think they use that bill as an exuse to lie to America that ALL the money that was in for the bill is for the War. And that causes uproar with alot of Americans that believed into this lie and cause some of them to become Liberal. Because there are some Americans that can believe almost anything. Lets get back to Democrats and Congress in 2006, they said that because they had streached the truth (like they did with other bills and such to lie about like Iraq War), they have taken over Congress and they said that they will continue doing this and alot of people are not awair of what is happening to America. We have liberals in Congress and they are run on stupidity from some Americans voting for them in office. They have claimed that the cause of high gas prices (which if you have looked lately that it is about $4.00 a gallon) is caused by the War on Iraq and they want to make us less dependant on Foreign Oil and switch into a different source of energy. Sounds good right? WRONG! Liberals are streching the truth again for political power. They have claimed that Ethonal and other gases that they are working on is cleaning and cheaper for the environment and for the people. That is a bunch of horse shit! Ethonal is made out of alot of Corn, OIL, and a hell alot of water and not to mention it ain't cheap to make. It cost most to make it then to sell it and it cost more than gas and that is a fact. It is not good for the environment, it makes it alot worse than gasoline and because of this ethonal making and other renewable energy bull shit, food prices and dairy has gone up alot because of NOT THE WAR ON IRAQ, but ethonal and other fuels. Not to mention that Bill Clinton had made OPEC and caused such a high on Foreign Oil its not even funny. Now wait a minute, I thought liberals doesnt't want us to use foreign oil at all? Well they are lying through their damn teeth that is what they are trained to do right? I mean it won't hurt to even streach it alittle right? We could end backrupt and we be ok right? Hell no! Now, for the economy there is some things that would make you made about it. We are near a Recession people and the reason is because jobs are being lost as well as being cut since because people can't afford gas (thank you Liberals), we are in a huge ditch that would be hard to get out of. And Liberals blaim Bush for the jobs, well its not him that is doing it, lets go back in the 90's where Bill Clinton was in office. Now Bill, he was a lying liberal bastard we all know that and you can see that Hiliary is like him. Now, he made Trade Agreements like NAFTA, the big ass one that had affected jobs all over the U.S. and mostly the heartland of America. Factory jobs gone, as well as many others. Where I live, there use to be 35,000 people living here, and because of that bill, they shipped so many jobs and ruined so many lives, that there is barly anybody living here anymore since jobs are shipped out like Canada and Mexico. Speaking of Mexico, there is alot of Illegals crossing over the borders illegaly, causing crime like murders, theft, drug trafficing, etc. Now, of course Bill had let them in that is the best term I could put it because of NAFTA and he didn't really think that they don't belong here even the illegals (of course the old 2008 Preisdental Canidate that was the Governor of Iowa, had just let them into Iowa without checking them, more like welcoming them in regardless of crime they have done.) Because of the number of illegals in the U.S. is so high is because there was no fence at all being put up or any crackdowns on them. Bush had passed a bill for border security and other things with it too. Democrats agrue about this because they think that its a waste of money to even guard the country from the borders which they are too stupid to even relize that terrorist can just go down to either Canada or Mexico and then drive to the U.S. and start hell raising and of course Mexico or Canada doesn't have that too good of security anyway and they don't give a rats ass. Bush also wanted crackdowns on illegals and drug excartos and it was so successful that Texas and then want the bill to continue passing however, Democrats are in the way again trying to make sure this bill doesn't pass anymore meaning leaving more Americans more vuliable to drugs and illegals. Speaking of secuirty, Obama wants to cut defence funding for the country as well as nuclear weapons. Why in the hell do you want to do that for I ask you? Sure, the Russians would just fall to Obama's feet and get rid of their weapons as well as every country that is against us that has nukes. The Soviet Union damn well doesn't trust America much and they always sell arms to both the enemy and the alley so they won't do that as well as other contries and if Obama trys to even do that, all of them would give them the answer "Fuck you Obama" Obama also wants to talk with Iran and other countries "Without Preconditions" and then starts changing his look about that afterward since the media and the people were freaking out on the statement. That is called "Flip-Flopping" people meaning they don't know what America wants and they say one view to something they are going to do and then they change it meaning they can't make up their minds at all and makes the other person wonder, "Is he born retarded or what?" Talking with Iran and other countries and think that they are not a threat and then changing it around too saying that they are? Of course they are! What else does these nations want to do? For years they always dreamed of destroyed us and its not just Iran that wants to either. Lets talk about his supporters shall we? The supporters of Obama claim that if you don't vote for him, your racist. And some people try to explain to them its not that its just because of their polical view is differnet and such and then you try to tell them about the church he was in for 20 years and then they call you racist. The church he had attended is indeed rasict toward whites mostly (like when one of the pastors nearly said that Hillary was a person that hates blacks. They tried to smear her through her race and sex and that is purely wrong and I hate Clinton too but I wouldn't even say something about her race or sex period! Then they make fun of McCain's age and his views now that is totally different and they didn't make race jokes on him because he was an American hero who doesnt take shit from them at all. Most of Obama's supporters don't care at all about his views or past or anything like that (even playgerising one of Malcolm X's speeches and other speeches from people) they care that he be the first black person to be in office. However, he is about 40% white, 40% arab and 20% black meaning that he looks black but you can't much tell that he looks arab (since he had a white Gradmother and an Arab father.) Now, lets get to another subject, Global Warming. Liberals (like Al Gore and them) believe that Global Warming is caused by Greenhouse Gases and such and that the world is heating up quickly and the Polor Ice Caps are melting away causing high waters around coasts and deadlyer storms. And then you see alot of people running on fuel efficient bull shit of cars around in some places and people making things out of plants and other natural matieral. I know its good to make things out of other materail but for the environment? Doesn't help at all. Greenhouse gasses are just a lying excuse just for liberals (like Al Gore) get more polical power and money by "streching" the truth again. They have made movies about international weather changes that is caused by Global Warming that isn't real and they have missed one important key out of all this: the Sun. Yes, every so many years, the earth goes into cycles with the sun which causes ewather changes that people have never seen before. Of course it is usally of a cycle around every 100's of years or so they pop up. An good example of a liberal movie that they lie in is Day After Tomorrow. They sneak some things in that isn't even possible for weather to happen. Like for example, they talked about a certain part of the atomsphere that was dropping tempertare at an alarming rate. That is a lie, this layer of atomspehere never drops at all and its impossible to even drop. So if you have read all of this (which I doubt you did since either you are not interested in it or your a liberal that doesn't want the truth to be thrown at you, then that is what America is run on, stupidy from liberals.

1 comment:

jack patzer said...


Look, you seem like a pretty nice kid, but you need to do your homework and learn a few things. Don't just parrot right wing talking points. Some of the stuff you say makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. For example, blaming the Democrats for being able to override a veto; firstly, it takes a 2/3 majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate to override a veto, which the Democrats do not have; secondly, overriding a veto is not a Democratic Party trick, it is in the Constitution. If the Republicans have a majority in congress, or if they can persuade enough Democrats to vote with them, they can override a veto. This is part of the system of checks and balances that makes our governmnet strong. Also, your "Christmas Tree" comment, which I assume is a reference to earmarks, seems to imply that this is something only Democrats do. I agree that earmarking good bills with pork is often a waste of tax dollars, but members of both parties have always done this and probably always will. This includes Senator McCain, who at this point at least is giving lip service to the idea of regulating earmarks. Anyway, I admire your ambition, even if I don't agree with you. I would encourage you to go to Barck Obama's website and learn about his actual positions on the issues. Then your own opinions will carry more weight.